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Home Safety

Safety is the No. 1 priority at Tampa Electric.

围绕着各种电力基础设施, 澳门线上真人博彩官网给你的信息很简单:为了你自己的安全, never touch power lines, climb on power poles, play on transformers, 或以任何其他方式篡改设备.

If you see what looks like trouble with electrical equipment – a downed power line, 树枝长成电线, 一个开路变压器或类似的东西-或者当有疑问的时候, 保持距离,并立即通知澳门线上真人博彩官网.


Home SafetyWant more safety tips? 澳门网上真人赌博官网是美国红十字会的合作伙伴. Learn more ways to keep your home and family safe and prevent fires.


年复一年,澳门线上真人博彩官网家里的电气火灾夺去了生命. Some of these fires are caused by electrical system failures and appliance defects, but many more are caused by the misuse and poor maintenance of electrical appliances, incorrectly installed wiring, 以及过载的电路和延长线. 记住这些小贴士,让你的家更安全. 花点时间在你的房子里走一走,寻找潜在的问题.

  • Plugs should fit securely into outlets, and outlets should not be overloaded. If plugs seem to fit loosely into a wall outlet, the wall outlet needs repair. 请电工检查一下插座. 如果你有孩子,用塑料安全插头盖住没用过的插座.
  • 水和电不能混合. 不要把电器放在水边. Never reach into water to get an appliance that has fallen in without first unplugging the appliance.
  • 确保每个插座的插头类型正确. 如果插头不合适,不要强行插入插座. 更好的解决方案是使用双插头适配器.
  • Check the wattage of all light bulbs in lighting fixtures to make sure they are the correct wattage for the size of the fixture.
  • Make sure extension cords are in good condition - not frayed or cracked. 确保他们被放置在交通区域之外. 不要在地毯下面插电线, carpets or furniture and never nail or staple them to walls or baseboards.
  • 检查延长线是否过热. Only use extension cords on a temporary basis; they are not safe as permanent household wiring.
  • Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can prevent many electrocutions. They should be used in any area where water and electricity may come into contact, like kitchens or bathrooms. Test GFCIs regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions to make sure they are working properly.
  • Circuit breakers and fuses should be the correct sizes for the circuits. 如果一个电器反复烧断保险丝或跳闸, 或者它是否发出了电击, 拔掉插头,修理或更换.
  • When using a space heater, keep it away from drapes, furniture and other flammable materials and don't leave it on all night.
  • If you use an extension cord, be sure it's heavy duty and in good condition. And, make sure the cord is rated to handle the power your space heater requires. 不要用家用延长线连接暖炉.
  • Avoid using your space heater in the bathroom and never touch the heater when you're around water.
  • Make sure your space heater has an automatic switch that turns off the electric current if the unit is tipped over.
  • When using electric blankets, look for cracks or breaks in the wiring. To prevent excessive heat buildup, make sure nothing covers your electric blanket. 永远不要把电热毯的两侧或末端塞进去.
  • Unplug your toaster or toaster oven before using a knife or fork to remove stuck bread or bagels.
  • Be safe and save energy: Remember to unplug chargers and other electrical items when they are not in use.


Follow these safety tips when you're working outside and around your home. Don't forget to call before you dig 避免切断公用线路.

  • 永远不要拆除三通插头的第三个插头. 更好的解决方案是使用双插头适配器.
  • Use only weather-resistant, 标有“户外使用”字样的大规格延长线,并确保它是适合你的设备的等级.
  • 切勿拆卸割草机、电动工具等的安全装置.
  • Use safety goggles when operating lawn equipment and wear appropriate safety gear as suggested in power tool manuals.
  • 不要让电线靠近你的路径或工作区域.
  • 在水周围操作电气设备时要小心. 如果电动工具接触到水,请先拔掉插头. 不要伸手到水里去找它.
  • Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can prevent many electrocutions. They should be used in any area where water and electricity may come into contact – near pools, spas or fountains. Test GFCIs regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions to make sure they are working properly.
  • Unless you are a qualified electrician, never try to repair electrical products yourself.

Generator Safety

Portable generators can be a lifesaver during a power outage but are deadly if not used properly. They pose a threat of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning and electrocution. We urge you to follow these tips and read all the information provided by your generator manufacturer before use. You may also visit FEMA’s Generator Safety website for more information.

Fixed or Permanent Generators

It is acceptable to use fixed or permanent standby generators during a power interruption that are installed by a licensed electrician and include a double-throw transfer switch. A properly installed transfer switch helps protect lineworkers by isolating the generator from the main electric grid to prevent backfeeding.

Use Outside Icon
Portable Generators

DO NOT 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 将电器直接插入发电机. Connecting a portable generator to home circuits may cause power to flow to outside lines, 对修复人员构成威胁.

DO NOT operate portable generators indoors, in closed garages, near AC ducts, or in other enclosed areas. Portable generators operated in a residence or enclosed space can create deadly carbon monoxide gas.


Watch for Lineworkers

  • Please watch for utility crews and turn the generator off when crews are in your area. The electrical load on the power lines can be hazardous for crews making repairs.

Beware of Rain

  • DO NOT 在雨中运行一个没有遮盖的便携式发电机. Operate in a dry outdoor location to avoid the threat of electrocution.

Use an Electrician

  • 请电工来修理发电机. 永远不要试图自己修理它.
  • Always have a licensed electrician install stationary or standby emergency generators.

How to Use

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safe and proper operation.
  • To avoid electrocution, 使用重型电源将单个电器插入发电机, outdoor-rated cords with a wire gauge adequate for the appliance load.
  • DO NOT 将便携式发电机直接连接到断路器面板上, fuse box or meter box because of the hazard it can create for utility line workers.
  • 让儿童和宠物远离发电机.
Beware of Fire Icon
Beware of Fire
  • 遵守所有地方,州和国家的电气和消防规范.
  • Store gasoline in approved fuel containers and out of children’s reach.
  • 有一个充满电的、额定正确的灭火器(i.e.(适用于电气和燃气火灾)随时准备就绪.
  • Never 发电机运行时,给发电机补充燃料.

Holiday Lighting

人们很容易陷入假日购物高峰. It's also easy to forget to put safety on your list of things to remember. At Tampa Electric, 在哪里安全是头等大事, 澳门线上真人博彩官网提供了以下小贴士,让你在家里和周围都能遵循:

  • Make sure your holiday lights and cords are in good condition (no broken lights or frayed cords).
  • 千万不要把节日彩灯串在电源线上或附近.
  • 不要在室外使用室内灯.
  • Be sure to turn all holiday lights off before going to bed or leaving home.
  • Never place electric cords under a rug or door, or around a sharp edge or corner.
  • 不要让电源插座过载.
  • 让所有的电线远离你家里的“车道”.
  • 如果你有一棵天然的圣诞树, 确保它有足够的水,防止树枝变干, which can pose a fire hazard.

Holiday Cooking

厨房是家的核心, 家人聚在一起准备美味佳肴的地方, enjoy cozy meals, and strengthen their bonds, 尤其是在节日期间. It's worth noting that two out of every five reported fires originate in the kitchen. 以下是一些帮助你和家人安全的建议:

  • Never leave cooking unattended; turn off if leaving.
  • Supervise kids closely.
  • 防止火灾-保持灶台和烤箱清洁和无油脂.
  • 定期清洁灶具排烟罩及风管.
  • 清理炉子/烤箱周围的可燃物.
  • 穿短袖或紧身袖以防止衣物着火.
  • 为了厨房安全,穿闭头鞋.
  • 使用后燃烧器和转动锅柄远离手.
  • 把电器放在远离水槽的地方.
  • 将计数器插入GFCI插座.
  • 让电线远离热的表面.
  • 拔掉未使用的台面电器插头.
  • 做饭后关掉所有电器.
  • Sharpen knives for safety.
  • 为了厨房安全,穿闭头鞋.

According to the 全国消防协会 (NFPA), 感恩节是家庭做饭最忙的一天, 紧随其后的是圣诞节, 感恩节的前一天, Easter, and Christmas Eve. Ensure you steer clear of home cooking fires during the holiday season by implementing these helpful tips!

Call Before You Dig

Every digging project, no matter how large or small, requires a call to 811. View the color code 用于标记地下管线.

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